Shimmy Shimmy...

Beating up the floor, feeling little sore...
Moving round in circles, I groove, I move...shimmy shimmy move
Waiting for the rhythm, I hear up on my soul
Perched on big branch like that big eyed owl...I move and move

I refrain, I hold..I control but these ain't my spell
I rhyme, I think and I gasp and my lungs swell..
Breathing hard, I feel her..feel her like never before
Still moving and moaning...I feel, feel the trans, the beats..

The blue lights shimmer, shimmer on Buddha...ahhh my my ! The ink is dry but not her skin...And I think I move..
When I see those feet swirling high and low...I get down
This ain't another bling bling doll..but an art that fucks my mind..

Turning around, I hear the track change and a hand on me...
Flowing through the finger tips and across those shapely shoulders...I loose !
loose sight of the obvious in to her curves, undefined and beautiful..
Looking at the little heart, embracing that beautiful neck...I cease to rhyme...

Moving close, looking at those blue spears of innocence....
I close them...them eyes !! and wishfully blow my mellow air faint with vodka and no tonic
They batter to the rhythm, but I am lost when those strands of blonde fly gently...
And I hold 'em, hold 'em with my might....

Eagerness, softness, promise and a stain of blissful pain stares at me
I wonder....skip a beat, move my feet and look at the sky
Only to see it explode...passion, encore and lightning speaks...
Just when I know it's her lips....I realize my hold on her blonde mane
Like a bull frog my tongue unwinds to caress those lips drenched in bloody Estee Lauder...

I cease, I realize...I smile
Nod my head and dig my head under those fresh linens
sheepish and guilty, my tongue rolls on those belly rings..
Gently I pull till I know it's for real....not the ring but this dream !!!

Fuck the mind not the soul !
Peace out my million pieces, stop not till you are ONE.

>> Jay - Nov 2005 (Shimmy Shimmy...)


Anonymous said...

Interesting rhythm to the words, do you happen to play any music..there seems to be a sense of passion errupting in all your poetry..Keep writing :)

Jay said...

Thanks anonymous, I experiment with that I mean I use digitized computer based DJ equipment to mix and create new sounds.

Passion, I guess seems to be a natural stimuli for me and at times I have to actively overcome my passion to actually transpose my thoughts..

The challenge is not in writing, the challenge to me seems comes from abundance of ideas and variation in response speed between my hands and mind....

Do let me know if you have a blog site...
